Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The word of the Lord...

Since i'm not advertising this to anyone, it's highly unlikely that anyone will read this. On the off chance that someone stumbles across this, just know that these are things that I believe God has been showing me over the last couple of weeks. I write them here for posterity, in case I need to reflect on these things later, or my kids need to discover who I was. Also, i'm kind of desperate to share these with someone. And this almost counts. It's actually been hard for me to do this, cause i feel like it's almost boasting, and I really struggle with pride.

We can consecrate things through offering thanks for them to God -- at least, according to something Paul says to timothy. God instructed me to consecrate myself by offering true thanks for things. Meal times are a good example where it's easy to feign thankfulness,or to lose it in ritual. I really want my kids to know i'm grateful for the food God gives us.

I need to increase my pursuit level of God. It's so easy to be casual about it, my last post was just a little to casual actually. While it's great to be care free, the old ignorance is bliss line is a load of crap. Ignorance is the precursor to destruction (sounds very old testament). When it comes to my relationship with God, He's asking me to go much deeper. Not a causal prayer time here and there. It need to be extended periods, almost regularly. And this is actually what i want. I've been praying for a deep level transformation in my life, for guidance in stepping out of my current life into the one depicted in the new testament. Well, guess what, it's not going to come by just ordering it through a spiritual drive through. By His name, may we never be like Simon the sorcerer (although he at least was willing to pay for it).

So be these things.

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